

Getting started with the Arc color system

Purple 500#1F3CD0

Say hi to our primary brand color, Purple 500.

Purple 500#1F3CD0
Green 500#20A453
Blue 500#0184DB
Orange 500#DB8630
Red 500#DB283B

Using magic, we created a full spectrum color palette using Purple 500 as a base.

Purple 100#D1DBFC
Green 100#D2FAD2
Blue 100#CAF4FD
Orange 100#FDF1D5
Red 100#FDDED3
Purple 500#1F3CD0
Green 500#20A453
Blue 500#0184DB
Orange 500#DB8630
Red 500#DB283B
Purple 900#050E63
Green 900#064E3F
Blue 900#002669
Orange 900#692609
Red 900#690735

We then adjusted the lightness values to generate a range of different shades and tints. These are named from lightest (100) to darkest (900) in increments of 100.


How to use the color system across Arc.

1Purple 500#1F3CD0
2Purple 200#A5B7FA
3Purple 100#D1DBFC

We use a ranking system to help you make better and more efficient decisions when implementing a specific shade. Each shade is ranked from the highest priority (1) to the lowest priority (3). There’s only one shade per color ranked with a priority of (1) and should be your default starting point.

Priority (2) is often used to indicate a different state of the default color, while priority (3) is for special circumstances and might need consultation from the design team.


Some important considerations to keep in mind when working with color.

3Purple 100#D1DBFCAAA

We included the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) contrast rating for each shade. This rating measures the contrast ratio between the foreground text and the background color. All instances must meet at least a AA rating.

3Purple 100#D1DBFCAAA
3Green 100#D2FAD2AAA
3Blue 100#CAF4FDAAA
3Orange 100#FDF1D5AAA
3Red 100#FDDED3AAA

When layering text on top of of our color palette, lighter shades will often require a specific text color to maintain an accessible contrast ratio. Each color has a unique text color variable ({Color} Text) that can be used for these instances when needed.

Primary palette

Purple 50#EDF2FE
Green 50#F2FEEE
Blue 50#EAFEFD
Orange 50#FEFBEE
Red 50#FEF5ED
Purple 100#D1DBFC
Green 100#D2FAD2
Blue 100#CAF4FD
Orange 100#FDF1D5
Red 100#FDDED3
Purple 200#A5B7FA
Green 200#A6F5AD
Blue 200#97E5FB
Orange 200#FBE0AC
Red 200#FBB7A9
Purple 400#526CE2
Green 400#4FC872
Blue 400#3BAEE9
Orange 400#E9AC60
Red 400#E95A5C
Purple 500#1F3CD0
Green 500#20A453
Blue 500#0184DB
Orange 500#DB8630
Red 500#DB283B
Purple 600#162DB2
Green 600#178D50
Blue 600#0066BC
Orange 600#BC6823
Red 600#BC1D3C
Purple 700#0F2195
Green 700#10764B
Blue 700#004C9D
Orange 700#9D4E18
Red 700#9D143B
Purple 800#091678
Green 800#0A5F44
Blue 800#00367F
Orange 800#7F360F
Red 800#7F0C38
Purple 900#050E63
Green 900#064E3F
Blue 900#002669
Orange 900#692609
Red 900#690735

Neutral palette

Gray 50#F8FAFD
Gray 100#EFF1F6
Gray 200#E0E3EE
Gray 300#BEC2D5
Gray 400#9499AE
Gray 500#6C7089
Gray 600#4A4E66
Gray 700#363A52
Gray 800#242841
Gray 900#191B34